Dear RoRo & D-Man,
You guys did so well with your haircuts last Friday night. It’s so easy now to wash up and go! I’m glad you guys did well and are cool in the summer without all that hair!
Dear Boobie,
I’m so proud of you starting a new job!! Keep up the great work son, with a desire to succeed you can do anything!
Dear New Walgreen’s in San Francisco,
I love you!! I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony and get a private tour prior to the store opening. This store is absolutely amazing! I also got to meet some wonderful women – Brandi from Mama Knows it All, Shannon from The Mommy Files, and Isis from Bay Area Mommy, as well as countless other friendly faces! I couldn’t have been with a better group, everyone was so friendly, and everywhere I turned a Walgreen’s employee would greet me, then end the conversation with “Be Well.” Seriously, the best store ever, and I’ll have more info in another blog post coming up soon! So be on the lookout.
and last but most definitely not least,
Dear CC,
You were my husbands best friend of almost 20 years, godfather to my son D-Man, you and your wife were one of the first families I became close with when we moved out of the bay area and in to the suburbs. I have many memories with you DJ’ing New Year’s Eve parties and local High School dances, watching our kids at the football games while your daughters cheered and my boys played football. You gave Boobie his nickname on that football field, and you guys were his biggest cheerleaders. I remember at the games you’d always be listening to your music, and when you weren’t in your music moments you were talking trash to all of us about football. You loved your Chi-town teams and made sure everyone knew! You were at my wedding and reception, all our kids dancing together and performing for us, you won the string game at my baby shower, countless BBQ’s and get-togethers..I could go on and on. Unfortunately we lost you so unexpectedly this week, and you will be sorely missed. We promise to do whatever we can to take care of your ladies (wife & daughters) and watch out for them. Love you CC! <3
So sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt letter.
I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words to make it any better. Just know, that we are hear to listen if you need anyone to talk to. Prayers out to the family of your friend and your family. May they find peace in their heart.