When Big G and I got married, we each came into our marriage with children of our own. Our kids got along great and we felt so blessed. They accepted each other as well as the two of us together and we were a wonderful little blended family.
Before we had D-Man we discovered we were expecting a little blessing. We were all so excited!! Unfortunately at 12 weeks we lost that little angel, and our family was devastated. It was a really sad time for us, but we pulled through together and helped each other through it. I feel like we all became closer through that experience.
Six months later we discovered we were expecting again. At first we were nervous to share with the kids for fear of another loss. Once we were in the clear, we shared the news and they were so excited! It was a rough pregnancy, I was on bed rest for a majority of the time and had a lot of preterm labor and a lot of scares. Amazingly, we pulled through and had a relaxed and restful labor and delivery. As you can see from these photos, D-Man is quite the character. He keeps us on our toes and has the biggest personality. He is uber affectionate, super sensitive, charming, and hilarious. He’s a performer; loves to act, sing, and dance. He loves sports and can’t wait to play football, baseball and basketball like his big brothers. He adores his little brother even though he beats up on him, he’s super protective too. He loves to cook with his mom and draw sweet things. He plays on the computer with his big sister and loves to create art with her. He’s been speaking in sentences since just one year old. He loves animals, he loves his family, and he loves to make people smile. In a sense he’s the piece of each of us that really made us whole. When we were expecting him the kids called him OUR BABY, he was a part of ALL of us, even though we’re not all related by blood.
Shortly after he was born our family hit some really hard times. It’s hard to explain, but there were days when the kids were at school, that things just got so tough for us and I was still able to smile because I could be there to witness his first smile, or his first tooth, or his first steps. It’s easy to put up a front when the kids are home from school, but when you have a little one that looks to you every second of the day, it’s a different experience. Sometimes I felt like I needed him as mush as he needed me, and his wonderfully joyful spirit taught me to appreciate and love each moment. Even though we weren’t always rich in wealth, there’s times I’ve felt like the richest woman in the world and this kid has a lot to do with that. The million dollar smile and the way his eyes light up when he speaks. I love this kid to death and I look forward to watching him grow and progress. We always wonder what he’ll be when he grows up, with his many talents and traits.
Happy Birthday to the craziest, curly-haired little boy I know. I love you D-Man! XOXO
Happy Birthday Devin!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday D-man!!!!
Happy birthday D-man!!
Thank you for sharing his million dollar smile with us Dawn. 🙂